9462-9755 Quebec Inc - Zealandina Agency, ltd which acts on the international business market, represents the generic name of one of the largest and strongest agro-industrial, consulting, building, and financial groups. The central nucleus of the Zealandina Agency, a private company with Canadian, British and Australian development, whose main field of activity is the foreign trade in different products. In the current structure, 9462-9755 Quebec Inc - Zealandina Agency runs international projects under the coordination of Professor Mihai Covaci (program coordinator), contact: akademos.learning@therapist.net; zealandina.agency@gmail.com.

Funding ideas !!!

Zealandina Agency 2019 lauch a project proposals funding regarding natural products promotion and distribution around the world. The project proposal must have no more than 10 pages and contain at least: Project Relevance and Need, Project Description, Expected Results, National/International Scope and Applicability, Multi-sectoral Partnerships and Collaborations, Knowledge Transfer Activities, Sustainability Plan, Work Plan, Your Organization, Budget. The project will start at 24th of August 2019 and it will be finished before 24th of July 2022. The maximum awarded amount is 1100 australian dollars. The schedule of the competition is: Deadline for project proposal sending (see contact) – 20th of August 2019; Intermediate results of the competition – 23th of August 2019; Appeals – 23th of August 2019; Final results of the competition – 24th of August 2019; Contract signing and beginning of the project – 24th of August 2019

After the 1st round the winner of the competition is Centre for Risk Studies in Economic and Social Sciences, Austria (Published 23th of August 2019)The final winner of the competition is Centre for Risk Studies in Economic and Social Sciences, Austria (Published 24th of August 2019)

Zealandina Agency 2020 lauch a new project proposals funding regarding natural products promotion and distribution around the world. Are welcomed proposals with comparative approaches. The project proposal must have no more than 10 pages and contain at least: Project Relevance and Need, Project Description, Expected Results, National/International Scope and Applicability, Multi-sectoral Partnerships and Collaborations, Knowledge Transfer Activities, Sustainability Plan, Work Plan, Your Organization, Budget. The project will start at 31st of July 2020 and it will be finished before 31st of July 2023. The maximum awarded amount is 17000 australian dollars. The schedule of the competition is: Deadline for project proposal sending (see contact) – 24th of July 2020; Intermediate results of the competition – 28th of July 2020; Appeals – 29th of July 2020; Final results of the competition – 30th of July 2020; Contract signing and beginning of the project – 31th of July 2020. 

After the 1st round the winner of the competition is Academia Romana / Institutul National de Cercetari Economice / Centrul de Economie Montana, Romania (Published 28th of July 2020)

The final winner of the competition is Academia Romana / Institutul National de Cercetari Economice / Centrul de Economie Montana, Romania (Published 30th of July 2020)

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