About the journals
Psycho-Social View Journal is an Open Access, Fully Refereed and Peer Reviewed journal. The journal is indexed in international databases, as Zenodo, Social Scientific Research Network, Repec (Ideas), Academic Resource Index. The journal is published monthly, 2 issues per year. The journal covers all disciplines about psycho-social area, including Education Science, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Sciences, Medicine, Economics. The journal publishes original and qualitative research papers.
Mountain Perspective Journal is an Open Access, Fully Refereed and Peer Reviewed journal. The journal is indexed in international databases, as Zenodo, Social Scientific Research Network, Repec (Ideas), Academic Resource Index. The journal is published monthly, 2 issues per year. The journal covers all disciplines about mountain, including Engineering, Sciences, Medicine, Economics, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities. The journal publishes original and qualitative research papers.
Call for the papers: The Mountain Perspective Journal invite you to submit original papers, which not published already or not taken into consideration for publication to another journal. The papers will be sent to cbmuniversity@minister.com. The review process has two phases - the plagiarism verification and (if acceptable) - the double blind peer review evaluation. If the paper is accepted to our journal, you cannot submit to another journal, only if the author and the editor only if the author notifies the publisher about the decision to withdraw the paper.
Frequency: 2 Issues per year. Paper submission: continuously. Acceptance notification: within 10 days. Areas covered: multidisciplinary. Accepted language: English.
Processing charges: there are no charges for submission or for the paper publishing
Type of article: Research paper, Survey paper, Informative article, case studies, review papers, comparative studies, dissertation chapters, research proposals and synopsis, M. Tech/M.E/PhD Thesis
Aim and scope: The Mountain Perspective Journal aims to committed the publishing of papers that will strengthen the knowledge of upcoming researchers and scientists.
Open access statement: The Mountain Perspective Journal follows open access as a publishing model.
Content disclaimer: The opinions expressed in any of the published articles in this journal are not the opinions of the Mountain Perspective Journal. The content is not guaranteed to be complete, correct, timely, current or up-to-date. The authors are responsible for own their content. The website is maintained in accordance with the possibilities of the publisher.
Authors Guide - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4445885
Template - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4445904
Copyright Form - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4445917
Reviewer Form - https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4445955